Our Dispensa

  • This Olive Oil, made with a carefully-selected blend of the best refined oils combined with a high percentage of Virgin Olive Oil, is obtained exclusively via mechanical processing.

  • This product is 100% Calabrian and unpasteurized – from the hives, to the strictly steel-only containers and immediate bottling, without any intermediate processing – in compliance with current national and international legislation.

  • Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is a herbaceous or slightly sub-shrubby perennial plant with oval, whole, facing leaves, typical of the Mediterranean scrub.

  • A source of energy:
    Parmigiano-Reggiano is a complete food with remarkable nutritional qualities that become concentrated during the long and natural maturation period.

  • The noble peeled plum tomato! Its firm consistency, flavour and sweetness create a pleasant and unmistakably balanced combination.

  • Basilico Genovese DOP

  • The Taggiasca olive is an olive tree cultivar that is typical, above all, of western Liguria and in particular of the whole province of Imperia and some parts of the province of Savona.

  • Rosemary is simply indispensable in the kitchen, as it can be used to season and flavour most foods. It pairs very well with meat or fish dishes, is a must with roasts, and is also excellent with cheeses and most baked goods.

  • Sage is an aromatic herb native to the Mediterranean basin and is a small evergreen shrub with elongated, tapered leaves.

  • Capers are not the fruit of the plant but the flower buds of a small shrub called Capperis spinosa. They can be preserved in oil or vinegar but the most common and fastest method is to preserve them in salt.

  • This preparation for pasta is a recipe formulated with pre-established, studied and selected percentages of various herbs and spices.

  • Arrabbiata sauce originated in Rome but the recipe is known throughout Italy as a timeless classic. Its fiery character and name derive from the chilli it contains.

  • The long tomatoes are cultivated in open field in our farm in the months of April and May and they are picked by hand in July and August.

  • Thyme, an aromatic herb with many properties, is excellent for use in the kitchen to enhance the flavour of a whole range of dishes, for seasoning and in the preparation of soups and stocks.

  • The basil leaves are selected one by one by careful, expert hands and end up in our best tomato sauce from Puglia.

  • Our Tuna is selected from the best hauls of fish. The quality of the product and its outstanding rounded flavour, delicacy, and colour, have made it one of the most loved and sought-after ingredients in cuisines all over the world.